Monday, April 16, 2012

maxRVU - Premier Mobile Charge Capture Solution is Now even Quicker and Smarter

maxRVU - a charge capture solution for physicians from gingerCube Inc., version 2 now available at the Apple app store and Google Play for Android. maxRVU uses the latest technology available in mobile devices like GPS, camera, microphone to offer a rich experience, automate and minimize data entry and look up information on the go. Medical groups can share patients between their doctors and keep track of shared billing sessions. Physicians can keep track of encounters with photos and audio notes. maxRVU also provides a very simple and intuitive way to look up ICD and CPT codes. The portal provides a dashboard for the physician to view their revenue generation based on charge capture, keep track of cases to be billed and recent patient encounters. [...] new in this version is the ability to manage a list of favorite ICD and CPT codes. maxRVU provides a quick and relevant search mechanism.

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